Greater Dallas Community Development Corporation CDC
A Community Based Non-Profit for Community Revitalization
501 C ( 3 ) IRS CDC
How The CDC Works
Harvest Christian University's Community Development Corporation follows a bottom-up approach; It is run by community members or local groups like churches and civic associations. In fact, a key feature of CDC is the inclusion of community representatives in their governing/advisory boards. The CDC act independently, the rule of thumb is at least one third of the board is comprised of local residents.
As a non-profit institution, The University operates the Community Development Corporation CDC is tax-exempt and may receive unlimited donations and grants from private and public sources. A significant portion of funding comes from local government and through state and federal grants, such as the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Community Development Block Grant and can also receive funding from philanthropic foundations like the Ford Foundation and the Surdna Foundation.
The University through Greater Dallas Community Development Corporation may also apply for funding through intermediary organizations (like the Local Initiative Support Corporation and NeighborWorks America nationally and local organizations like Pittsburgh's Neighborhood Allies) that receive government resources and then allocate funding to community groups
A brief explanation of the community development field
The term “community development corporation” means a private, nonprofit corporation whose board of directors is comprised of business, civic and community leaders, and whose principal purpose includes the provision of low-income housing or community economic development projects that primarily benefit low-income
What is the Greater Dallas Community Development Corporation cdc?
The Greater Dallas Community Development corporations (CDC) are 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that functions as an arm of Harvest Christian University that was created in 1994 to support and revitalize communities, especially those that are impoverished or struggling. The CDC has often dealt with the development of affordable housing and involved in a wide range of community services that meet local needs such as education, job training, healthcare, commercial development, and other social programs.
While CDC works closely with representatives from the local governments, the CDC are not a government entity. As a non-profit, the CDC is tax-exempt and may receive funding from private and public sources.
A brief history of CDCs
Robert F. Kennedy played a big role in setting up the first CDC through the Special Impact Program, an amendment to the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, allowing the federal funding of community development projects in poor urban areas. Kennedy created an action plan for community development, which led to the formation of the Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation, considered the first CDC in the country.
Historically, many CDCs grew out of the Civil Rights movement to fight against redlining and divestment issues in cities. Many had a community organizing/activism background.
While traditionally CDCs were location-based, there are organizations that target specific demographics (for example, the Women's Revitalization Project in Philadelphia serves low-income women and their families). And CDCs now typically focus on development rather than activism.
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